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Delivery & Removal
Speed and responsiveness: Your orders will delivered within 24h-72h, or will be available at the pick-up point in 4h!
For your orders placed on ArcelorMittal e-steel, ArcelorMittal offers several delivery solutions.
Find all the practical information about the terms and conditions of delivery below.
If you are a professional who has payment account, we offer:
- Delivery 'Tour' : your order is delivered at your site within 24 to 72 working hours, at your rate and at your usual address*.
- ArcelorMittal e-steel agency pick-up : ArcelorMittal offers you the possibility of picking up your goods at your agency branch for free and with ease within 4 hours**.
* For security reasons, if you want to use a new delivery address for your online order, please contact your agency.
** During the opening hours of the agency
If you are a professional without a payment account, or an individual, we can propose (according to your agency) the following:
- Agency pick-up: ArcelorMittal's ArcelorMittal e-steel site offers you the possibility of picking up your goods in an agency for free within 4 hours**
- 'Standard' delivery*: Whether you are professional or an individual, we deliver your order via our partner, within 24 to 72 working hours.
* For standard delivery, the size and unit weight of the products of your order must not exceed 6ml in length and 50kgs. The total weight of the order must not exceed 250kgs.
** During the working hours of the agency**
Safe delivery of your goods:
To allow you to safely receive your products ordered on ArcelorMittal e-steel, we ask you to respect the conditions set out below:
1. Movement
- Please drive with caution on the site.
- Wear PPE if you enter the workshop (helmet will be made available to you...).
- Wait for the authorization by the personnel before driving your vehicle on to the premises.
- It is forbidden to access stock, smoke in the halls, consume or be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Risks and dangers: collision with other vehicle, crushing of third parties.
2. Cutting Tools/Equipment
Safety instructions on the site: :
- The use of cutting tools/equipment owned by you or by ArcelorMittal is prohibited on the site.
- In case supplies are unable to fit onto your vehicle, the site is able to cut them down to a suitable length.
Risks and dangers: cutting, burning.
3. Operation/Loading
Safety instructions on the site: :
- When using mechanized site equipment (bridges, forklifts...) it is forbidden to physically participate in the operation.
- Stay away from charges and follow the instructions given by ArcelorMittal personnel.
Risks and dangers : jamming, crushing.
4. Code of the road: A reminder of your obligations and of your responsibility.
You are responsible for the loading and the state of your vehicle, of its capacities to circulate safely and the stowage of loaded products.
However, if our staff believes that your safety, or that of other road users is compromised, it has the power to refuse delivery.
The fundamentals of the highway code: :
GVWR : Total Allowable Weight = maximum weight of the vehicle, load included. The driver must refuse any excess load.
This GVWR is a function of the load balance on all wheels and can therefore be reduced in the event of overhang of products in the rear.
Dimensions: Loading must not interfere with the movements, NI nor with the visibility of the driver.
In length, the loading can only exceed in the rear section.
- Up to 1 meter without reflective device,
- Up to 3 meters with reflective device. (completed with a light if needed)
In width, the load must not exceed 2.55 meters.
Roof: any product loaded on the roof must be stowed. Check the load capacity of the roof bars (as well as that of the vehicle for a load on the roof).
Risks and Dangers : losing control of the vehicle in case of overload, causing an accident in case of improper stowage, jamming or crushing of a third party due to the congestion of the transported material.